tl;dr: My Toyota Aygo sends Text/SMS messages through Bluetooth and my mobile phone. These messages are delivered to the recipient, but there is no sign of them in my Messages app.
Should I be concern? Is this some kind of security issue?
My car (Toyota Aygo 2019+), when connected with my phone (Motorola Moto Z2 Play) through paired Bluetooth connection, is able to send "hidden" Text/SMS messages. That is:
- message is written and sent by me through car's navigation panel,
- the fact that message was sent is confirmed on panel's screen and
- message is delivered to the recipient, but
- there's no sign of that message on my phone.
It is like that -- when browsing through history of the messages sent by me to a particular recipient, I can see messages sent from by me, from my phone only, i.e.:
- all the messages sent before any message sent by Toyota and
- all the messages sent after any message sent by Toyota, but
- no message ever sent using Toyota's panel, through Bluetooth.
At first, I thought that this is a bug in Toyota and car isn't actually send anything (despite confirmation message). But then I have realised that messages are actually sent and delivered.
I understand that this could be caused by a variety of factors:
- bug in Toyota's implementation of Bluetooth protocol*,
- bug in Messages application on my Motorola,
- some technical issues at my mobile carrier side,
- bug in Android 7 (?),
- bug in Bluetooth protocol (???) etc.
But, still... shouldn't I be concerned that (at a high level) something is able to send Text/SMS messages through Bluetooth and my phone without me knowing anything about that fact?
I have, of course, contacted Toyota support, but I have got only a template-like answer that their implementation of Bluetooth is as close to standard as possible, but even so they cannot assure that any Bluetooth-enabled phone is compatible with their cars.
I have contacted my mobile carrier, but I have got even worse answer in "never heard of" style.
*Unfortunately, I do not have any other Bluetooth device, capable of sending Text/SMS messages, to verify whether this is caused by Bluetooth protocol or Toyota's implementation of it.