I've managed to get a version of netcat onto my Windows machine and I can run the standard:
nc -lvnp 1234
and this properly connects to the victim's machine, but it's a very fragile connection. Ctrl + C will just drop the connection, tab doesn't auto-complete, and the up and down arrows don't give me history. On Linux, the common way to stabilize the shell looks like this:
python -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" //run on victim's machine
CTRL + Z //switches over to your machine
stty raw -echo //run on your machine
fg //switches back to victim machine
export TERM=xtrm //run on victim machine
The problem is that Ctrl + Z just locks up Powershell, so that's about as far as I get. Even if I use a Kali Linux docker container, I am still running that container through Powershell or CMD and I just can't get past that Ctrl + Z issue.
How do I stabilize a reverse shell through Powershell or CMD?