I started noticing this behaviour for more than a month. Whenever I connect my laptop to the WiFi router there are lots of RST and DUP ACKs up to the same TCP sequence, as given in the example below, where DUP ACK reached the sequence number 13396:
13398 TCP: [TCP Dup ACK 13396#1] 52466 → http(80) [ACK] Seq=89 Ack=150 Win=42496 Len=0 TSval=3987396358 TSecr=1582119264
576 TCP: 37734 → http(80) [RST] Seq=89 Win=0 Len=0
1074 TCP: http(80) → 37740 [RST] Seq=150 Win=0 Len=0
I don't remember where, but somewhere I read that this First Seq=89 Ack=150 and then another packet Seq= earlier ACK are TCP attacks. I am a layman to networking.
What is happening here? How do I prevent this assumed TCP attack?