I have a ZIP file of my gallery that contains images and videos which is over 5GB in size. I forgot the password for that ZIP file now I'm trying to crack it to extract files from there. I tried using JTR 1.9.0 Jumbo and Hashcat to crack it. I can run zip2john filename.zip > myzip.hash without problem, it takes 5 minutes to generate hash file, but at the end I get hash file which is like: filename.zip:$pkzip2$3*1*1*0*8*0*3c71*b0ef**1*0*8*0*dc4b*b0f0**2*0*0*e3a1*cb05a6ba*49*50*8*0*cb05*b142**$/pkzip2$ and continues with some contents of zip file (3 image file name with the folder it is in).

Whenever I run I get:

john myzip.hash
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
No password hashes loaded (see FAQ)

I even tried specifying format using --format=pkzip option, and there is no pkzip2 format so I only used pkzip.

I managed to start cracking process with ZipRipper but it was taking 20 days crack to be completed, so I was just asking is there way to fix that problem No password hashes loaded (see FAQ) and specify john the ripper that it is 4 char password with [a-zA-Z1-9] condition matching for all chars.

Hashcat also doesn't recognize this format, -m 17220 was what I just used.

Also, I'm using Windows 11.

  • Already asked before check this thread for help security.stackexchange.com/questions/109211/…
    – doga
    Commented Jul 2 at 5:17
  • See also Converting zip2john output to hashcat.
    – Sjoerd
    Commented Jul 2 at 7:02
  • @doga I already checked that thread multiple times before asking this question. I specially mentioned that I am using JTR 1.9.0 which has no problem about cracking. Commented Jul 2 at 8:48
  • @Sjoerd In my case, Hashcat doesn't recognize my hash file, No hash-mode matches the structure of the input hash. I ran zip2john multiple times which is the same result. Commented Jul 2 at 8:52

1 Answer 1


After a long effort, I managed to crack it with ZipRipper. As I knew the password was 4 characters long and matched [a-zA-Z\d]{4} RegEx, I wrote a Python script to generate a custom wordlist because there wasn't one for my case, and chose a custom wordlist option in ZipRipper. Even though there were 14M lines of Passwords, it cracked immediately.

Unfortunately, I can't advise if you don't know the length of the password and charsets.

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