Is it possible to validate an XML message (with XML-DSig or XAdES signature) by a Data Validation and Certification Server (RFC 3029)? Should it understand XML signatures or not? Could it parse XML? Or message must be in a specific format to be validated by DVCS?

According to RFC 3029:

DVCSRequest ::= SEQUENCE  {
    requestInformation         DVCSRequestInformation,
    data                       Data,
    transactionIdentifier      GeneralName OPTIONAL
Data ::= CHOICE {
      message           OCTET STRING ,
      messageImprint    DigestInfo,
      certs             SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF

The requester fills the 'data' element as follows:

  • For a vsd service request, the requestor encapsulates a CMS SignedData object in the value octets of the 'message' choice. It is up to the requester to decide whether and how to provide any certificate that may be needed to verify the signature(s) in the signedData object. A requester MAY add certificates to the encapsulated signedData object or in the certificate list of the request.

Does it mean that DVCS doesn't support XML-DSig? Message must be in a CMS SignedData format?

1 Answer 1


An RFC 3029 compliant server must process CMS SignedData format messages, not any sort of XML messages.

That being said, converting between ASN.1 and XML is a common use case. A modern implementation would/should probably accept various types of input messages, not just CMS SignedData.

I believe that it's also important to note that RFC 3029 is of type 'experimental' and is now 12 years old.

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