
I'm developping my own OCSP responder which signed its ocsp responses with its own self signed certificate caOcspBC.crt. You can find it here : https://github.com/Dinou/ocspResponder I want to get the revocation status from a certificate RC.crt issued from a CA certificate CA.crt thanks to openssl.

All my certificates are located here : https://github.com/Dinou/ocspResponder/tree/master/src/main/resources/certificates

So, I execute this first command where I explicitly trust my ocsp certificate thanks to -VAfile option :

# openssl ocsp -issuer CA.crt -VAfile caOcspBC.crt -cert RC.crt -req_text -url http://responderurl:port/myServlet OCSP Request Data: Version: 1 (0x0) Requestor List: Certificate ID: Hash Algorithm: sha1 Issuer Name Hash: 19266539D5B4B518D4382B2D3779CBF53A6061D6 Issuer Key Hash: 89B91685082EF65F5611F965E94422D602BE27DB Serial Number: 0A Request Extensions: OCSP Nonce: 04106D042BFA97BFA61F5AAAD756C5619CF2 Response verify OK RC.crt: good This Update: May 19 14:51:51 2014 GMT

It works well.

If I don't use the -VAfile option I get :

# openssl ocsp -issuer CA.crt -cert RC.crt -req_text -url http://responderUrl:port/myServlet OCSP Request Data: Version: 1 (0x0) Requestor List: Certificate ID: Hash Algorithm: sha1 Issuer Name Hash: 19266539D5B4B518D4382B2D3779CBF53A6061D6 Issuer Key Hash: 89B91685082EF65F5611F965E94422D602BE27DB Serial Number: 0A Request Extensions: OCSP Nonce: 0410C8D048BB5A49596A7714B4D74935E3C5 Response Verify Failure 140451402069696:error:27069065:OCSP routines:OCSP_basic_verify:certificate verify error:ocsp_vfy.c:126:Verify error:unable to get local issuer certificate RC.crt: good This Update: May 19 14:52:09 2014 GMT

It doesn't work. In fact my client openssl doesn't trust my ocsp certificate.


But I want to use Apache mod_ssl with my generic OCSP, and there is no directive mapping to the -VAfile option -> I can not specify the trusted responder certificates.


What can I do to make my apache trust my self signed OCSP responder certificate ?

Extra context

I tried many things :

  • I imported my self signed certificate caOcspBC.crt in /etc/ssl/certs by using this : http://gagravarr.org/writing/openssl-certs/others.shtml#selfsigned-openssl (symbolic link) It didn't work (Same error as was mentioned previously ocsp_vfy.c:126:Verify error:unable to get local issuer certificate)

  • In openssl ocsp documentation states :

    If the OCSP responder is a ``global responder'' which can give details about multiple CAs and has its own separate certificate chain then its root CA can be trusted for OCSP signing. For example: openssl x509 -in ocspCA.pem -addtrust OCSPSigning -out trustedCA.pem Alternatively the responder certificate itself can be explicitly trusted with the -VAfile option.

So, I executed this command on my self signed certificate and then I put It in /etc/ssl/certs as was mentioned previously.

It didn't work (Same error as was mentioned previously ocsp_vfy.c:126:Verify error:unable to get local issuer certificate)

1 Answer 1



What can I do to make my apache trust my self signed OCSP responder certificate ?


First, the self signed certificate must have these following properties :

  • KeyUsage : digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, keyCertSign
  • ExtendedKeyUsage : OCSPSigning
  • BasicConstraints : critical,CA:TRUE, pathlen:0

It must be in pem format.

Then, apply the following command to the certificate :

openssl x509 -in selfSignedCert.pem -addtrust OCSPSigning -out trusted.pem

And finally append it to the file specified in ssl.conf in Apache by SSLCACertificateFile directive

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