I wrote the log In/log Out scripts of my web page and when the user logs in I store in the $_SESSION
variable the user agent. Now each time a page is loaded I check if the user is logged in or not and if it is logged in I check if the user agent has changed or is still the same to prevent hijacking. In case it has changed I call my logOut()
function logOut($conn)
$sql = "UPDATE Users SET logged='no' WHERE username='" . $_SESSION['username'] ."'";
// Unset all session values
$_SESSION = array();
// get session parameters
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
// Delete the actual cookie.
setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000,
// Destroy session
Now the problem is that the right user can still navigate my website as logged in while I would like to have it logged out. What could be the problem?
To test my code I logged in using Mozilla Firefox and I copied the value of the cookie in Chrome and reloaded the home page and as expected I am unable to log in with Chrome but if I reload the page in Mozilla it is still logged in. If I remove the user agent check then I am able to access the page as logged in in Chrome so my code is half working.