I will be giving a presentation on "cyber security" to a school class of 16 year olds and want to show them how network security works, how important privacy is (and why it matters) and how to protect oneself online.
Apart from (static) general slides on the topic I want to show them in an visually appealing and understandable way how "hacking", tracking for advertisement and phishing works.
So far I have prepared:
- A WiFi hotspot with mitmproxy running to intercept a WhatsApp message sent from a prepared phone
- Wireshark running on the same hotspot to show them how easy it is to inspect their web traffic
- Firefox Lightbeam addon to show them how ad networks track them
Now I'm looking for more ideas / proofs of concepts of hacks that are easy to deploy / run and show how (in)secure something is.
What are good proof-of-concept implementations for general security awareness training?