I am attempting to setup a secure and private email account for my company. we currently use gmail which actually requests the emails from a hosting service provider that is configured with our company domain name. I would like to stop using gmail, but our hosting is not very reliable (not as much as gmail can be, but it isn't bad). and it probably isn't very secure either.
I was thinking about having a forwarder in the hosting service, not actually having anything stored in there. just forward, I think a forwarder would have a smaller probability of downtime, since it is only a service in the background of a mainframe and doesn't require storage like a fully functional email account needs.
Then I would have that forwarder send the email to at least another 2 email accounts (redundancy to counter downtime) and then a desktop email client would pull and erase the emails every 5 minutes. (this servers need to be somewhat secure, any recommendations?)
The email client would pull the emails through the TOR network to avoid tracking and everything with PGP of course.
Am I just running around and is there a better way to do this or is this not going to accomplish a private email account anyway?