As per this answer RSA and ECC certificates should use different cipher suites. I tried to test it. It holds true for TLSv1.2. But for TLSv1.3 I see same cipher suite being used for both types of certificates(Tested via Google Chrome=>Dev Tools=>Security). Why is that?
Here is how I generated an ECC cert:
openssl ecparam -out nginx.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
openssl req -new -key nginx.key -out csr.pem
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -key nginx.key -in csr.pem -out nginx.pem
Generating RSA cert:
openssl genrsa -out rsa.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rsa.key -days 7300 -out rsa.pem
With TLS1.3 both the certs result in usage of same cipher suite:
The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.3,
X25519, and AES_256_GCM.
With TLS1.2, RSA cert:
The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.2,
ECDHE_RSA with X25519, and AES_256_GCM.
With TLS1.2, ECC cert:
The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.2,
ECDHE_ECDSA with X25519, and AES_256_GCM.