I've received notice from our risk management group that they believe our website falls in scope for SAQ-D.
We utilize third party vendors for all of our payment processing - and on the website essentially just provide static links (href="ourcompany.someprocessor.com") to direct them to the payment processing sites. There are no forms on our site where any customer data is collected, we do not post any information over to the vendor (100% of the process takes place there) - nor do we receive any callbacks about any transaction that takes place there.
So my read on it is that we fall under SAQ-A. We have explicitly tried to take steps NOT to fall in scope of SAQ-D/etc.
The argument that the risk management group is making is that the potential exists that someone could hack our site - and change the link from the valid link to some nefarious CC processor. While a legit concern - I do not believe that it changes our status as requiring SAQ-A.
Am I off base on that?