I'm not aware of any frameworks/tools to achieve what we're trying to do, but posting here to hear experts opinions and comments on how this is done at large organizations and recommended automation approaches.
We have automation in place to identify, renew, and track SSL/TLS certificates expirations, but we're unable to see or track all the locations or programs where a certificate is installed unless application team or dev team knows about it.
For example, we create a SSL certificate for foo.internal.net and copy the same file to Apache, Java key store, and many other places. Wondering if there are any products or libraries that can track the deployment of given cert irrespective of the location, program, and OS, with semi or complete automation approach.
I am well aware that we can start a process and keep adding to that CMDB or DB, and keep building forever, to capture all this data.
Are there any approaches that would address some or all of these requirements?