I have written lots of client-side code but with no server-side experience, and I am planning to get a VPS for a new project. The VPS will receive encrypted data directly from a distributed program wrote by me, and I won't bind the VPS with a domain name, and the VPS won't run everything else, like http and ftp.
However, I am not sure whether using a server fits my project best, since I don't know whether this kind of server will get DDOS'd: is it unlikely to get DDOS'd since it doesn't have a domain name, http, ftp etc.? My project has very limited tolerance on server interruption: more than 5 hours' interruption would be unacceptable.
My deduction is: since it has no domain name, http and ftp, so the attacker would think that this server is not for many users, and thus less interesting to flood.