My loan lender accepts emails from their customers. They share their contact details including their customer service email address on their website with the public. So, they apparently regard incoming emails (from their customers) safe but outgoing emails (from their customer service) not so safe...However, this does not make sense to me.
In the past, I have sent several emails to their customer services but they almost always (except on one occasion) responded via post. However, since I kept getting their letters very late in the post, I asked them why they do not answer email enquiries by email. Their explanation was that outbound emails (the ones from their side) were deemed to be an insecure method of communication as they contained sensitive information.
In what ways is sending an email with personal information to my lender regarded as a safe method of communication? Surely, if my lender accepts emails with sensitive information from their customers, they should be able to respond via email, right?