Is there an nmap vulnerability scanning script (vuln, vulscan, nmap-vulners etc) for scanning target Android devices on the network?
If not, is there any specific scanning tool that scans for CVE on target Android devices?
Is there an nmap vulnerability scanning script (vuln, vulscan, nmap-vulners etc) for scanning target Android devices on the network?
If not, is there any specific scanning tool that scans for CVE on target Android devices?
Yes there is.
Google provide the STS SDK (Security Test Suite SDK): ...but this is "only" to develop your own security tests.
Whereas if you're a Google partner (e.g. an OEM making Android devices, with a partnership with Google), you have the full blown STS, with the automated tests to check that the CVE from Google Android monthly Security Bulletins have been indeed fixed.
Both the STS SDK and the Google partners STS leverage on adb (Android Debugger Bridge) as an agent on the Android device: