I’m not a security expert.
I wasn't sure if I should post this question here or in "exploit".
I have searched for answers before posting....
Could anyone tell me how I can determine if emails are being sent from a particular computer?
The situation is this. A friend of mine is getting prank or “bogus” email messages. He believes it is being sent by one of his students as a prank. He does receive legitimate email from the parents. But he believes that the kid is using his mom’s email account.
It appears that this punk kid used his mom’s email account to originate emails. Also, he signed up for some dating (or porn site?) named “myzamana.com” and signed his mom’s name so that my friend is now getting solicitation emails from that web site.
I know that DHCP routers will retain the IP address assignments for some duration as set in the router config. Typically in a home there are not too many devices connecting, and the router can retain the IP address assignments of each connecting device. But one would have to know the address assignments for the devices in the first place in order to determine the originating device sending an email address. Correct?
My first answer to my friend is that it is not possible to determine the actual computer that was used (e.g. the kid used his own computer but logged in using his mom’s account) by simply looking at email message headers, partly for the above reason. All I can glean from the attached email header is that there are some 10.x.x.x IP addresses but these are just private LAN IP addresses.
I’m enclosing some email headers that my friend forwarded me (below). I edited the legitimate email addresses for privacy considerations. Can anyone enlighten me, even if that means pointing me to some education links where I can read up on the relevant appropriate technology.
Many thanks,
"punk kid name"
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Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 17:37:45 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: Freshmen Tennis
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Hello tennis coach. My name is punk kid name and I
Mom's name - myzamana ..."
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Mom's name
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Nis, Follow my favorite photos on Picbum!
Mom's name