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icmp smurf attack

I am learning about ICMP smurf attack and for this, I have forged a packet with the following details: source_mac_address = **??** destination_mac_address = router mac address char ...
Rajat Aggarwal's user avatar
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My router is getting port scan attacks [duplicate]

My internet suddenly cut out yesterday, i checked the router and it looked like nothing is wrong. I looked at the logs and i see this 2019-08-18 12:50:39 Security Warning Detect UDP port scan ...
jacob123's user avatar
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Is port in UDP flood necessary? HTTP flood-down because? UDP, SYN and ICMP flood methods

I have questions about DDoS attacks. In flood scripts, the script sends UDP packets to "ip.address:random.port" Why It doesn't use only the IP? Is port necessary? If someone is HTTP flooding a ...
imafunnypanda's user avatar
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Minimum number of ports needed for HTTP

I am supporting a public campground that provides web site access to its customers via a Time Warner Cable connection with wireless AP points in the park. The allowed port usage is blocking some ...
Donald Fairchild's user avatar
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Repeated "Dos Attack" from remote IPs

I've been having some weird issues with a home network, and it seems to me like I have some vulnerability I don't know about. To be honest, though, I'm not a big network/security guy and I kind of ...
SkyEx's user avatar
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Must an attacker using a Smurf attack be on the same network as the victim?

I'm learning about Smurf Attacks. Since they need to use a broadcast address, doesn't that mean they can't work over the internet? For example if an attacker sends a router the packet with the ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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