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Questions tagged [emotet]

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How to decrypt Emotet's TLS traffic by MITMProxy

I have a question about Emotet's TLS traffic: Using MITMProxy, I have successfully decrypted TLS traffic with Emotet's C2 server and can read the contents of the traffic. ...
mokotan's user avatar
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Is running Powershell always as administrator a good practice?

I work as software engineer in a company. The IT deparment has decided to forbid powershell execution from our computers as part of the actions they are implementing to avoid Emotet malware. As ...
joanlofe's user avatar
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How does the Emotet trojan activates its remote copies?

The Emotet trojan is active again and I read a bit about how it propagates. This includes phishing and having users launch all kind of files (exes, fiels with macros, ...) - a typical method. It also ...
WoJ's user avatar
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How does the Emotet malware work?

I was searching this site for questions on Emotet and I was kind of baffled when nothing was on here. So the title is kind of self explanatory. See this question as an attempt to "complete" the ...
Tom K.'s user avatar
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