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Questions tagged [owasp-crs]

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How to make modsecurity log to audit_log only when the request is returning with 403 status code

I don't want logs to appear if the inboud_anomaly_score hasn't exceeded the threshold, how do I do this in modsecurity.
Roshan John's user avatar
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ModSecurity is not blocking attacks in sent in raw json data

When I send this http request as an urlencoded request modsecurity is blocking the request. But when I send the request of the Content-Type: application/json the request is not being blocked.
Roshan John's user avatar
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How to log custom http headers in ModSecurity Warning while using OWASP Core Rule Set

I have three custom HTTP headers called X-Username, X-Role and X-Realm, I want to log the content of this header in the warning logs when some of the the rules are matched for a HTTP request. I have ...
Roshan John's user avatar
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How to put specific rules in OWASP core ruleset in detection mode?

This is the content of my RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf # Set the rules to detection mode (they will log but not block) SecRuleUpdateActionById 941100 "pass,log" ...
Roshan John's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is PUT Request not allowed by default in OWASP CoreRuleSet

Why is PUT method not allowed and how can I allow PUT methods without changing REQUEST-901-INITIALIZATION.conf file and REQUEST-911-METHOD-ENFORCEMENT.conf file.
Roshan John's user avatar
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Modsecurity parse nested keys in json

I am writing an exception rule. I have the JSON: {"pageNumber":0,"pageSize":100,"sorts":[{"field":"hex","direction":"ASC"}],"...
netcedec's user avatar
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OWASP CRS - Is "%00" in request form body is false positive?

We have a HTTP POST endpoint for a web form and when sending a request the request has Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryLOAPHJhA1BQSTatn set. When the payload contains ...
goulashsoup's user avatar
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Modsecurity CRS access denied with response 200?

Issue I have try to inject XSS in an input and the log total of anomaly score is 84 (enough to block the request) The action return Access denied but why it return 200 code and the action is allowed ...
navotera's user avatar
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Why Owasp-crs does not allow Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

I try to craft a http post using this curl : curl -v -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;" --data "email=test@example....
navotera's user avatar
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Cannot allow 920600 in crs

I have these rules : SecRule REQUEST_URI "@rx ^/(.*)$" \ "id:94000001,phase:1,t:none,nolog,pass,\ ctl:ruleRemoveById=933120,\ ctl:ruleRemoveById=933150,\ ctl:...
navotera's user avatar
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Increasing critical_anomaly_score does not block request

I am using CRS 4.3.0 I am modify the default crs-setup.conf to increase the anomali_score for critical triggered rules : "id:900100,\ phase:1,\ pass,\ t:none,\ nolog,\ tag:...
navotera's user avatar
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How do I unblock a request uri in Modsecurity CRS?

I have installed a Nginx WAF with Modsecurity CRS. This WAF protects a backend WordPress. One request from one of the plugins generated a false positive on the Modsecurity with the rule id 933120. I ...
Iogui's user avatar
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Modsecurity only show warning but not blocking?

I am using CRS 4.3.0 I try to test is it active : curl '' curl : The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. However when using other ...
navotera's user avatar
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How to make the rules 920600 and 922110 dynamic to have custom charsets (custom regexp) in CRS 4 [duplicate]

There is a regexp in the rules 920600 and 922110 that (according to my opinion) accepts only 4 charsets in the Accept header. I need to make it custom, so the regexp must be modified based on my ...
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ModSecurity CRS, allow header `accept-charset`

I have ModSecurity v2 on apache with CRS v3. Requests containing header accept-charset are blocked on paranoia level 1, I read this great discussion about the header and that on CRS v4 will be allowed ...
nulll's user avatar
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Updating regular expressions for the rules 920600, 921421, 921422 and 922110 in CRS 3.3.4

After updating to CRS 3.3.4, I want to update the regular expression of the rules 920600, 921421, 921422 and 922110. but the command util/regexp-assemble/ update 920600 does not work....
user288156's user avatar
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owasp crs 3.0 rule functuonalityconsult

I have built a waf and using CRS 3.0, this waf can inspect the request body to limit the file size that upload to the server, I am wondering ,if I just disable this feature manually, it will cause any ...
边明凯's user avatar
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ModSecurity OWASP CRS 3.3.0 false positives on a Wordpress site

The following search queries are blocked by ModSecurity and returns a 403 forbidden error: & but not & www....
skinnedpanda's user avatar
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Modsecurity CRS how to deal with field arrays

I have a question how to deal with whitelisting field arrays in modsecurity. Currently am doing the following: ... ctl:ruleRemoveTargetById=942510;ARGS:_owc_pdc_faq_group[0][pdc_faq_answer]" ... ...
Eddie4's user avatar
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OWASP CRS Anomaly scoring, ModSecurity WAF

I'm getting into OWASP CRS with ModSecurity and was investigating the way OWASP calculate the anomaly score in the REQUEST-901-INITIALIZATION.conf they set the following lines: setvar:'tx....
Murad's user avatar
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Modsecurity - OWASP CRS 901001

Ubuntu 18.04 Apache/2.4.29 ModSecurity for Apache/2.9.2 (; OWASP_CRS/3.0.0 modsecurity-crs 3.0.2-1 This is a new server. The following message appears in modsec_audit.log ...
user1801810's user avatar
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Which OWASP modsecurity crs version to install on apache 2.2.22

Hello I am considering installing owasp mod_security crs on an ubuntu 12.04.4 which comes with apache 2.2.22. On the github page I have seen many version's but all tutorials were using 2.2.7 First I ...
black sensei's user avatar
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Mod_security fails to pull new release

Mod_security has a rules updater distributed with their release packages on sourceforge: Usually, you can run the script ...
Jason Huntley's user avatar