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9 votes
2 answers

What harm is there in obtaining password hashes in a Windows environment?

ArsTechnica posted this article recently talking about how the power grid has been penetrated: Hackers lie in wait after penetrating US and Europe power grid networks Excerpt: One tactic involved ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Windows 7 Password Hash Security

I recently came across a number of sources that suggest that cracking Windows user account passwords is easy by examining their password hashes. I understand that these hashes are stored in the SAM ...
geometrian's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How can I prevent someone from accessing a Windows XP system via boot disk?

Apparently a computer system protected by a a login password, e.g. Windows XP, can be easily hacked by someone with physical access to it using methods like this one:
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
66 votes
1 answer

What's the risk if I accidently type my password into a username field (Windows logon)?

I'm used to logging into my personal Mac which is a password-only field (like waking from sleep mode). Sometimes I have to use a Windows network on which I have an account, but of course I have to ...
Matt's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How secure is Windows 8's Picture Password login?

The final Windows 8 build has been released to manufacturing. One of the new features of Windows 8 is "Picture Password", where the end user logs on to Windows by clicking a specific pattern on the ...
user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Does Windows have a built-in password store?

What passwords are stored in Microsoft Windows? How can I know what password are saved in computer?
user52633's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Decrypting SAM hive after Windows 10 anniversary update?

After a lot of frustration, I've finally cracked my local Windows 10 password using mimikatz to extract the proper NTLM hash. In particular, samdump2 decrypted the SAM hive into a list of users with &...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I mitigate the threat that DPAPick poses to my DPAPI protected data?

The Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI) is the suggested method for storing secrets on Windows systems (such as database passwords required by ASP.Net applications). DPAPick was presented at BlackHat ...
Bell's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to read password from Windows credentials?

What is the cipher used by windows Credential Manager to generate credentials backup files (*.crd)? With a backup file from Credential Manager and the password used to created that backup file is it ...
Pedro Custódio's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Security of Windows Screen Saver Password

How secure is the Windows screensaver password? Seeing that screen saver passwords are used in the corporate world, is there any way of bypassing the screen saver after it is already running? Could a ...
Gabriel Graves's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I protect my passwords from WebBrowserPassView?

I just got shocked with what can be achieved with WebBrowserPassView. It basically shows every password I've saved in my browser (Chrome). I guess other users on my PC could get my passwords that ...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Does typing something in Notepad but not saving it leave any trace?

Sometimes, if I'm having trouble typing a long password, I'll open up Notepad, type it in there (so I can make sure what I'm typing is correct), and then copy+paste it into the form, and then close ...
TMH's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

Why does Windows store Wi-Fi passwords in a reversible format?

Running netsh wlan export profile key=clear in PowerShell will dump your current stored Wi-Fi settings, including the password, into xml files inside of whatever directory you are currently in. Why ...
Wazanator's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Bypassing Windows 10 password with Utilman.exe trick - fixed?

Recently I run into a locked down laptop with Windows 10 OS (actually I guess it was updated from Windows 7 if that matters). My collegue was using this computer some time ago and lost his login and ...
deevee's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Inject hash into sam file. Is possible?

I have a very uncommon scenario. I have a Windows 10 laptop with a specific configuration. On that configuration, there is a user (local user, not domain user) which I don't know its password. I want ...
OscarAkaElvis's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

NTLM/LM Hashes on Domain Controller

I've noticed that when extracting password hashes from a domain controller (using Elcomsoft proactive password auditor) sometimes I'll get LM and NTLM hashes and other times I'll only get NTLM hashes. ...
NULLZ's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Password History/Password policy

I'm referring to "remembered" password that the domain keeps so a user cannot reuse that password until it has expired in what was set at Password Policy on DC (W2003/W2008). Where is password ...
RailOcelot's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Hashed passwords for NTLM authentication

I understood that Windows users' password hashes can be exported very easily. Right? So my question is: If I can have the hashes of other user accounts (e.g. local users on my Windows machine), isn't ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are Windows password hashes salted with the user name?

I'll readily admit I'm pretty clueless when it comes to cryptography, so there may already be some false assumptions in the question title itself :-) Still, I "heard" that it is more secure to store ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 vote
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Can accounts still be logged onto if Password Caching is not enabled?

This is kind of an extension of my other question.. If you were not storing any of the passwords locally (caching disabled), would a user some how still be able to circumvent around this security ...
cutrightjm's user avatar
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-13 votes
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I need help on how to hack into a scammer computer via IP/DNS [closed]

I really need your help in this one. Today I got scammed by a "trader" for 100$, but I managed to get his IP, reverse DNS and Hostname but I am unskilled in hacking. I need help here, I just want to ...
K.P.'s user avatar
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