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8 votes
2 answers

is it easier to get the original password if you have multiple hashes of it?

Most users tipically use the same password for multiple applications. Let's say all of these applications hash the password in some way. Would it be easier for an attacker to get the original password ...
Carlos Campderrós's user avatar
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Can an attacker guess my password length from a hash? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Possible to detect password length from hash? Is doubling your password adds more security? Considering I do not provide him any personal information relating to it, are there ...
superuser's user avatar
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Stripping / appending characters from user password before hashing to conceal it forever?

I had this idea to permanently conceal user password by requiring minimum length then stripping certain characters. For example if the user password is secret123, the system will strip it down to ...
IMB's user avatar
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Can key files be brute-forced like passwords?

Let's say you use a program like Truecrypt or Keepass which allows you to have a password + key file. I understand that passwords can be brute-forced/dictionary-attacked but is the same true for key ...
IMB's user avatar
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what is the fastest and cheapest way to crack this kind of hash - md5(md5($password) + salt))?

I'm looking for a program that can use any GPU (ATI\NVIDIA) and can brute force a vBulletin hash - md5(md5($password) + salt)). I have the salt and hash. the password contains the symbols - a-zA-z0-...
YSY's user avatar
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3 answers

time to crack file-encryption password - more than just iteration

I have often seen that takes x amount of time to crack a certain length password. But this just seems to be the amount of time it takes to iterate through all the possibilities. What about the time it ...
wayne_h's user avatar
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Brute force vs other methods of recovering passwords from shadow file

Do you know any good approach for de-hashing/actually bruteforcing hashed passwords in the shadow file? On various operating systems, any good solutions/methods/programs. Or is it better to upload ...
peter567's user avatar