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Are passwords longer than 128 bits useless if hashed with MD5? [duplicate]

Are passwords that are longer than 128 bits useless if they get hashed/transmitted with MD5? MD5 always uses 128 bits, thus someone would rather try to bruteforce the MD5-hash than the password ...
Swizzler's user avatar
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5 answers

What concrete parameters can I change to make my passphrase-protected private gpg key more secure

There are several questions which discuss the resistance of passphrase-protected private gpg keys against brute force attacks. It seems, this kind of discussion could go on forever. Rather than ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
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Brute-Force/Dictionary attack against encypted file using PBKDF2 key derivation

I have been following this very useful post by Thomas. My use case is slightly different. I am developing a mobile application which requires some sensitive data to be stored on the device in a SQLite ...
Taha's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Why are GPUs so good at cracking passwords?

What is it about GPUs that lets them crack passwords so quickly? It seems like the driving force behind adopting good key-derivation functions for passwords (bcrpyt, PBKDF2, scrypt) instead of ...
Nick's user avatar
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How much added security do I really get with a longer key size?

Imagine I have a cipher which supports keys of 128, 192 or 256 bits. Suppose that there are no vulnerabilities in the cipher regardless of key length. I'm going to use it to encrypt something, and I'...
quantumSoup's user avatar
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Stripping / appending characters from user password before hashing to conceal it forever?

I had this idea to permanently conceal user password by requiring minimum length then stripping certain characters. For example if the user password is secret123, the system will strip it down to ...
IMB's user avatar
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Can key files be brute-forced like passwords?

Let's say you use a program like Truecrypt or Keepass which allows you to have a password + key file. I understand that passwords can be brute-forced/dictionary-attacked but is the same true for key ...
IMB's user avatar
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What's the practical limit for rainbow-table based bruteforce?

Say we have a hash of a password. The password can be considered to be made of of totally random characters and has a fixed length of N. The hash is SHA1(password+salt), where the salt is of length M. ...
mhswende's user avatar
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It is possible that brute force attempts are successful before the worst case, correct?

When I read about a password being secure and stating that it would take X amount of week, years, etc. isn't that referring to the worst case? What happens if the brute force method is successul in ...
Mark Norgren's user avatar
11 votes
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How much security is compromised if we accept other characters as login (other than the original password)?

I've just realised that facebook accepts 3 forms of a password: Source: Facebook actually accepts three forms of your password: Your original password. Your original password with the ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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Dictionary Attack on Wifi

I know a few people with pretty weak passwords. What kind of systems exist to prevent dictionary attacks? Would it make sense to restrict the number of connection attempts in a certain timeframe? ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Can DES-based hashed password be recovered if salt is known?

Can a hashed password be recovered if the hashing is done with DES based crypt function in PHP and both the hash and salt are known by the attacker? Consider the following example: $salt = 'mysalt'; ...
luben's user avatar
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time to crack file-encryption password - more than just iteration

I have often seen that takes x amount of time to crack a certain length password. But this just seems to be the amount of time it takes to iterate through all the possibilities. What about the time it ...
wayne_h's user avatar
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