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Hydra gives different password each time (DVWA)

I've looked up this issue and everyone's problem was they didn't have the failed login string. I do. Trying to get into DVWA. Here's my command hydra -l admin -P P.txt http-get-form "/...
NerdyKid1101's user avatar
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crunch password generation with multiple character sets

I'm trying to use crunch to generate a password list. However, if I add all necessary characters into one character set, as in: file: charset_huge.lst complex = [...
JohnyD's user avatar
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Using Reaver in various UK routers results in stop after 90% progress

I've been trying to make use of the current wifi audition techniques in regards of Router Password retrieval. GEAR: I've been through car boot sales and acquired some of the current routers on the ...
FakuVe's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to get and use constantly changing cookie JSESSIONID values in Hydra?

Related: how to get cookies from aspx site to use it with hydra My problem is similar to the above case, I get "20 valid passwords found" but the server I'm trying to brute force sends the header set-...
Yash Kumar's user avatar
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Is it possible to save crunch wordlist into multiple files? [closed]

I wanted to create a 10 unit word list consisting of only the alphabets a-z, but it seems to be around 957 TB. I want to save it into two separate files, each around 5 terabyte files. Also is it ...
Brian's user avatar
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Account information gathering on subnet device

I have a cybersecurity test coming up. We have a practice test, but no solutions. One question involves being given a fresh Kali VM and a target IP on our subnet, and having to discover as many ...
Austin's user avatar
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Setoolkit - credential harvester, only display the first character of the password

I'm launching a spear phishing campaign and my client has specifically asked me to only harvest the first character of the password, is there a way to do so? Basically instead of showing the whole ...
winsmak's user avatar
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How to detect mimikatz usage on LAN

My boss is has made it clear that we need better ways of detecting mimikatz usage on the network- and I would agree. In place already for detection is suricata/ET PRO rule set on a couple of taps. ...
Charles's user avatar
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Is there anyway to generate a SAM file?

I was wondering if it is possible to create a windows SAM file. I already tried using chntpw but it seems like it only works under a Redhat based linux, ie I was able to blank/change a Windows 7 ...
Ashkan's user avatar
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20 votes
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Wordlists on Kali Linux?

I notice that in /usr/share/wordlists in Kali Linux (former Backtrack) there are some lists. Are they used to bruteforce something? Is there specific list for specific kind of attacks?
Stephenloky's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I decrypt traffic on a WEP encrypted network?

Let's say that I am connected to a WEP Access Point and I want to sniff all wireless traffic inside that network. How can I decrypt the traffic even though I don't have the cryptographic key? I found ...
Backtrack's user avatar