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Questions tagged [persec]

PERSEC or Personal Security is protecting your personal information and is closely related to OPSEC.

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106 votes
11 answers

How dangerous is it to reveal your date of birth, and why?

At some point I told a friend that it's dangerous to reveal your birth date (kind of like your social security number or your mother's maiden name), because it's a crucial piece of information for ...
user541686's user avatar
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451 votes
13 answers

Is it bad practice to use your real name online?

On some accounts I use my real name on-line (Google+/Facebook/Wikipedia/personal blog), others (Q&A/Gaming) I use an alias. My question is: Security and privacy wise, what can people do with my ...
blade19899's user avatar
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19 votes
11 answers

I'm leaving my job and want to erase as many personal details etc. as possible; any tips?

Obviously this is very open-ended. But, I'm just paranoid about people going through everything on my laptop after I leave my job. Here are the things I'm planning to do: Completely wipe all browser ...
Tedderz's user avatar
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171 votes
26 answers

Convince people not to share their password with trusted others

IT workers are usually trusted by their family members who readily share passwords (Facebook, email, twitter, you-name-it!) so they can get easy help to set what-ever-parameter they don't find or ...
Auzias's user avatar
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