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Unable to get information from a PKCS certificate

I sniffed the communication between the client and the server using Wireshark, and I found out that during the handshake session, the client sends its certificate to the server. I've managed to get ...
yosra's user avatar
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SSL Certificate conversion from PFX to PEM - our SP says files are wrong

We have to give our Certificate - managed by one of our suppliers to another one of our supplier. from one we got PFX file, another needs PEM files. I've ran the conversion using OpenSSL and I've ...
AcePL's user avatar
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Is there an official standard and/or name for PEM certificate bundles?

This is a question that's not really about security proper. It's about security/crypto nomenclature. It's been bugging me a bit, so here goes: I know two approaches for bundling related certificates/...
StackzOfZtuff's user avatar