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Have I been hacked? Terminal shows me in a different hostname than my machine [duplicate]

Sorry for the generic title but really don't know how to call this. I've just upgraded my MacBook Air to macOS Mojave 10.14.3. Usually, when opening the terminal it would show something like ...
leota's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Security testing alternatives on MacOS [closed]

Is it possible/feasible to set up a hacking machine that rivals a distribution like Kali Linux on MacOS, or will it never be possible for MacOS to rival a distribution like Kali in terms of hacking ...
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
90 votes
1 answer

Mac OS X terminal prompt displaying foreign hostname (or: What is Stacey's iPhone doing in my Terminal?)

I opened my Terminal today and saw this: StaceysiPhone6s:~ jcz$ Who is Stacey? Why is she in my Terminal? What happened? What should I be worried about? How do I fix it?
Jeff's user avatar
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119 votes
7 answers

Can "cat-ing" a file be a potential security risk?

I often use cat on the console to view the contents of files, and every now and then I accidentally cat a binary file which basically produces gibberish and system beeps. However today I've ...
Ivan Kovacevic's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

How secure is "Secure Keyboard Entry" in Mac OS X's Terminal?

I've been using Terminal under Mac OS X for years but somehow missed to spot this feature: I'm now wondering how does this actually work, and is it 100% safe? If it isn't, what technique could be ...
Ivan Kovacevic's user avatar