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Questions tagged [terminal]

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-2 votes
1 answer

Why are passwords in the Linux terminal unmasked? [closed]

When entering a password into the password field in a Linux terminal- the password is just in the clear! This is a commonly known fact. But what if I'm in public, like in an office, and need to enter ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Security implications of increasing sudo timeout in terminal

I often need to run commands with sudo during development and since my password is lengthy I don't like to type it every time sudo times out which by default is 5 minutes. To deal with that I've run ...
metablaster's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Simple way to safely paste text from website into terminal

It's fairly well known that it's very dangerous to copy-paste text from a website into a terminal, as it can include extra text, control codes, and newlines that aren't visible when you're copying it, ...
forest's user avatar
  • 67.3k
0 votes
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Why my card changes from WPA Handshake to PMKID or vice versa just by airodump-ng

I am running Kali linux 2020.3 on VBox on Windows 10. I put my wireless card AWUS036ACH chipset Realtek RTL8812AU in monitor mode using airmon-ng start wlan0. Then i use airodump-ng wlan0 to capture ...
Qasim's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Why did "terminal commands" never get a version of SQL "parameterized queries"?

I was taught horrible bad practice when I initially "learned" SQL, which baked in user-submitted input with quotes and attempted to "escape" this (in the beginning, I didn't even ...
M. Vencel's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is there such a thing as "parameterized terminal commands"?

Long ago, I used to do SQL queries like: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ' . attempt_to_escape($_GET['id']) . ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; This was horribly scary and I probably messed it up by ...
Kingsley Bagri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Have I been hacked? Terminal shows me in a different hostname than my machine [duplicate]

Sorry for the generic title but really don't know how to call this. I've just upgraded my MacBook Air to macOS Mojave 10.14.3. Usually, when opening the terminal it would show something like ...
leota's user avatar
  • 101
5 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to use a unix pipe to redirect sensitive output data as input to another program?

I want to make a Node.js development server use HTTPS by giving it access to the contents of a TLS certificate and private key file. On the one hand, I don't like the idea of making the TLS private ...
Will's user avatar
  • 187
1 vote
0 answers

Does `cat -v` provide adequate protection against control character injection and other similar attacks? [duplicate]

I need to cat an untrusted file on a remote server. I'm doing this by logging in with SSH. There are known risks related to cat-ing untrusted files. See here. The cat -v option can be used to encode ...
rubberband876's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does it make sense to check command integrity after running it as root?

The other day Dave was hurrying for his project at night. He wanted to install homebrew on his Mac. He typed "homebrew" in Safari search bar, pressed return, and clicked into the first link. He copied ...
tonychow0929's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

What does it mean to "run a command in memory"? [closed]

If I open a terminal and use the following commands, are they "run in memory"? $ curl -s | python - & $ command=$(curl -s; $(echo $command |...
user189912's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How secure is a serial/terminal/console server, from the serial side?

I'm upgrading my home lab, and one of the things I'm planning on introducing this time is out-of-band management through a Raspberry Pi console server similar to this:
TBridges42's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Lightweight terminal protocol for IoT

For IoT devices with limited resources (e.g. embedded system with 32 kB RAM, 128 kB Flash memory, running an RTOS such as FreeRTOS, small TCP/IP stack such as lwIP): It might be useful to have a ...
Craig McQueen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Alternative forms for special characters in terminal

I was solving a problem on a popular hacking for fun website, when I got following idea: Is it possible to represent - for example a '/' (just the slash) in the terminal (linux) in another way - for ...
OcK's user avatar
  • 13
-2 votes
1 answer

Security testing alternatives on MacOS [closed]

Is it possible/feasible to set up a hacking machine that rivals a distribution like Kali Linux on MacOS, or will it never be possible for MacOS to rival a distribution like Kali in terms of hacking ...
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Creating portable bash terminal & cmd to USB [closed]

Developing my toolkit and I want to have a safe edition of cmd.exe and bash on a usb. Why? These can be tampered with by attackers and I want a version I know is safe from manipulation. Any ...
Simonhawk's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What would be a secure way to handle password prompts in shell?

I have a script that a member of our L1 team will run on a linux server (ssh'ed in - non root) that will take in their password and pass it to kinit via an embedded expect script (which ultimately ...
james6125's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Safely decrypting an unsolicited/untrusted PGP message

I am accepting public security vulnerability reports for my website, and I publish my personal PGP (GPG) key to encourage people to encrypt their communications. Upon receiving an encrypted message, ...
jamieweb's user avatar
  • 435
3 votes
2 answers

Is using cat -v an appropriate way to sanitize untrusted text?

It is well known that a terminal tends to trust things which are printed to it through stdout/stderr, making outputting attacker-controlled data to the terminal a risky action. Is using cat -v an ...
forest's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

how to secure terminal logs

There might be a misconception from my side on wether I should worry about this or not. But if I should, what measures should I take to secure my terminal logs / command history? One of things ...
Paulo Phagula's user avatar
90 votes
1 answer

Mac OS X terminal prompt displaying foreign hostname (or: What is Stacey's iPhone doing in my Terminal?)

I opened my Terminal today and saw this: StaceysiPhone6s:~ jcz$ Who is Stacey? Why is she in my Terminal? What happened? What should I be worried about? How do I fix it?
Jeff's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Using (cat $file; cat) to run a simple BOF exploit

Im getting acquainted with Buffer Overflows (BOF) and was replicating a simple attack described by Techorganic. They create a simple C program called "classic", which contains an obvious BOF ...
Fernando Pérez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to ask cracklib-check to go through a list of passwords?

I know cracklib-check can be used to check individual password, like - $ echo "12345" | /usr/sbin/cracklib-check 12345: it is too short If not wanting to be super-user as on Debian it requires to ...
shirish's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
1 answer

Why Microsoft leaves known security flaws?

There is very well known security flaw in microsoft windows. That you simle boot a linux OS from flash drive e.g Kali Linux. And just replace a cmd file with sethc file and you can prompt cmd with ...
Umair Afzal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

passing user input to command line

I am using crack lib to check password strength for my web application. However, I’m concerned about whether or not my current implementation is secure. The user enters a password, which is then ...
PunDefeated's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to launch kali Linux installer inside live version

i need to know how I can launch the kali Linux installer through terminal pleas. Running latest version of kali Linux on LIVE USB. Trouble booting with uefi and so forth so I need to know how to ...
Gabriel Haddad's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Good Practice to Secure Computer Terminal?

I am currently trying to set up a computer terminal from scratch at home. The use of it is basically as a terminal to connect to cloud servers hosted remotely in the internet. I am trying my best to ...
GabrielC's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to accept user input for use in terminal safely?

I found a vulnerability, and I'm not sure how to patch it. I currently accept input from the user and use it to create a terminal command which I run on the server. Here's the code simplified. // Get ...
Goose's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to use the Linux "echo" command maliciously?

While testing a web application today, I came across a function that passed arguments to dig in linux terminal. After some fiddling about I was able to pass the echo command using pipes and echo my ...
Mico's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How does text that is displayed with cat end up trying to execute in the Linux terminal? [duplicate]

Sometimes you accidentally "cat" a binary... only for your terminal to become utterly corrupted, ending up in another code page where all characters are unrecognizable, while your shell spits back at ...
Dagelf's user avatar
  • 121
-2 votes
1 answer

accessing Desktop from Root directory [closed]

I was using aircrack-ng package in my ubuntu 15.04. This package works only under root privileges. Now I want to save .cap file on my desktop using airodump-ng package but everytime I do, it throws an ...
dexter's user avatar
  • 7
2 votes
1 answer

How to get more information on TermDD Security Layer Disconnects (Event 56)

In my Admin event log, I see the following errors: The Terminal Server security layer detected an error in the protocol stream and has disconnected the client. Client IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ...
turkinator's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What exactly does `ssh -T user@domain verify` do?

The example I'm specifically thinking of is: ssh -T [email protected] verify Looking at the docs (man ssh) I can see that -T is the flag to "Disable pseudo-terminal allocation", but what implications ...
Matt's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

OS X terminal starts from other device (got rooted?)

I've recently noticed that my terminal starts with something like "android... " even though I don't have any android device. Furthermore I noticed that my macbook only starts with "android..." when it'...
dichotomies's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Repeated security questions after remote key has changed

I reinstalled one of my machines and gave it new ssh keys, which should yield warnings when I connect to it from a machine I have connected from earlier. First I get the big warning that the remote ...
MattBianco's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

PCI DSS 3.0 and card swipe terminals for our merchants

We run an online software service that collects and transmits card transactions for small merchants. They use card swipe terminals connected to their business PCs that direct the traffic straight ...
Skelter's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
2 answers

Sign SSL certificate with root certificate using openssl

I have created a root certificate, My Root Certificate, with a private key, RSA Private Key 1, using the openssl terminal command. I would like to make a certificate chain such as the following: My ...
Java Is Cool's user avatar
119 votes
7 answers

Can "cat-ing" a file be a potential security risk?

I often use cat on the console to view the contents of files, and every now and then I accidentally cat a binary file which basically produces gibberish and system beeps. However today I've ...
Ivan Kovacevic's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Why do GUI terminals allow the pasting of control characters?

Given that control characters are usually not rendered, but they are given a special meaning in most terminals, what reasons are there for terminal apps to continue to support copy-pasting of control ...
Manishearth's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

How secure is "Secure Keyboard Entry" in Mac OS X's Terminal?

I've been using Terminal under Mac OS X for years but somehow missed to spot this feature: I'm now wondering how does this actually work, and is it 100% safe? If it isn't, what technique could be ...
Ivan Kovacevic's user avatar