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Questions tagged [exploit-development]

For questions about development of software which takes advantage of exploits (vulnerabilities in security systems).

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can vulnerabilities in transitive dependencies be exploitable?

I am running nmap on an http server, and I got the netty version used by the server. Netty version used is 9.4.53.v20231009 , I tried to check online for CVEs related to this version, and it seems ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Can't print hexadecimal formatted address in buffer overflow

I'm trying to overwrite the return address caused by a buffer overflow. I've already calculated the distance between the buffer and the return address. The address that I want to jump to is ...
CJG's user avatar
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How can I safely write in my resume that I have written a MetaSploit exploit module without making employers nervous?

I have asked this question on The WorkPlace SE site and did not receive any comprehensive answers over there. I have around 10 years of cybersecurity industry experience and have gained proficiency ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Python Code Injection With int()

I discovered reading the documentation for int() in python that I could execute operating system commands if something like the following were passed to the int() constructor: type('',(),{'a':5,'b':6,'...
elidibus's user avatar
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pvefindaddr p2 in mona?

Is there a !pvefindaddr p2 (search for all pop/pop/ret combinations in the entire process memory space) equivalent in Alternatively, is there any option to run pvefindaddr in latest versions ...
user286591's user avatar
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Get in depth information about vulnerability from a CVE

I'm trying to understand how to get more information about a vulnerability given a CVE. I noticed that some CVEs, on websites like, have got references to articles or to ...
Fral's user avatar
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Can't get this memory addressing

I am working with this INE eCXD material and I am working on my basics of buffer overflow on Linux. In the lab, there is supposed to be a binary that is using the strcpy() function and it SEGFAULTS ...
MoRizk's user avatar
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Rop: Handling a `push` in the middle of a gadget

In rop, often a gadget has an undesired pop or push in the middle. For a pop, we handle this simply by adding a dummy value to our chain: it is popped, and all is well. What about a push: What do we ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How does glibc prevent malloc unlink exploits?

The classic malloc overflow, of overwriting pointers in a free chunk, to cause free() unlink to overwrite an arbitrary location with an arbitrary value, is no longer possible with modern glibc (...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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64 Bit ELF Buffer Overflow Not working possibly due to if statement

I wrote the following: #include <stdio.h> int win(){ printf("Won!\n"); return 0; } int vulnerable(){ char buffer[20]; memset(buffer, 0, 10); printf("Input: &...
Greg Gregson's user avatar
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How can an ELF binary call a Windows API from WSL(2) to deploy a payload?

In September 2021 Black Lotus Labs (BLL) posted a blog entry discussing a payload loader that was: written in Python compiled to an ELF exe using PyInstaller in Debian in WSL and "injected into ...
Rick's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are buffer overflow and similar attacks still possible?

The majority of my cyber security background comes in the form of web application vulnerability testing, and whilst I do have a degree of prior experience in studying and performing application ...
questioner's user avatar
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How to read memory from format string exploit correctly

I'm trying to solve a problem on format string exploitation in which I have to overwrite anything in a specific address. Since the target address has a null byte at the begining, I need to write it at ...
SrJaimito's user avatar
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Can't overwrite EIP in bufferoverflow example

I am trying to make a simple buffer-overflow exploit on an example program to understand binary exploitation a bit better. The goal is to simple write shellcode on the stack and execute it. However, ...
n00b.exe's user avatar
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Is a single infoleak enough to break ASLR if you don't have access to the binary?

With a single infoleak and access to the binary you can calculate the other addresses. Is this still possible when you don't have access to the binary?
aslr's user avatar
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WebApp Windows Command Injection without "||"

I've found an application that allows arbitrary file upload (client side validation on file extensions), however those files are not stored in a folder which is accessible by the webserver, so a web ...
john doe's user avatar
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Could a virus force a phone to download an app and spread it?

I'm writing a sci-fi story that includes a malicious app that spreads globally. The developer publishes an app without knowing it's infected, and it spreads because it forces phones to download it. ...
Jori Richman's user avatar
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How can I generate a binary from an payload without any other addons?

For example how do I turn the payload/windows/format_all_drives into an exe without any other fancy addons? (I am talking about using msfvenom FYI)
404's user avatar
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How do attackers determine ROP gadgets remotely?

Being gadgets change per each system and architecture (do they?), how would an attacker be able to determine the offsets of various Return Oriented Programming gadgets, would an attacker first need to ...
asd40732's user avatar
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Assigning memory address of shellcode to buffer (for buffer overflow input)

I am attempting to exploit HEVD kernel driver buffer overflow challenge: However when running the below code my windows 7 machine doesn't ...
asd40732's user avatar
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Understanding ret2libc return address location

I recently was studying x86 buffer overflows + ret2libc attacks from and I noticed the order is as follows: bytes to fill buffer + address of system ...
asd_665's user avatar
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What is source of bad characters exist in buffer overflows

I'm new to exploit development and while watching a tutorial I came across the topic of "Bad character identification". I'm referring to the process of sending all possible characters to the ...
Anton.P's user avatar
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Is it possible to use ROP to call legitimate functions even if the stack is not executable?

I read about the hardware protection that blocks the CPU from jumping to stack address. But hacker may still edit the return address to an address in code memory that shouldn't run at that moment. For ...
for the's user avatar
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Exploit - Code execution without assembly call instruction, int etc on ia_64

Found a bug in a function in a loop where I can go past a loop in assignment where value is read from past malloced memory The function has no call, int or other assembly instructions afterwards. ...
dev's user avatar
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Are there any projects/papers on approaching exploit development with AI/automation?

I'm looking for research on the topic if at all possible or readings about efforts into this. Drilling down into binaries via fuzzing/fingerprinting for known vulnerable binary patterns and a little ...
1fTBmq6q4DEaN2pnY's user avatar
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Exploiting a service on 32bit OS on a 64bit processor with ShellCode

Let's theoretically assume I have an overflow vulnerability on a certain service I want to exploit. The service reside in 32bit Operating System on a 64bit Processor. I'm attempting to wrap my head ...
sahar q's user avatar
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Exploit education stack-five: trouble opening shell

Im trying the phoenix vm, challenge stack-five on ( I run onto a problem while exploiting a stack overflow. The challenge is run execve('...
Burst's user avatar
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Secure code makes exploitation easier with CPU vulnerabilities?

I researched CPU vulnerabilities in the past, such as Specter and Meltdown. I read that one of those attacks is made easier if the code is a certain way. I cannot remember if it was related to being ...
user5623335's user avatar
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how to check offset for a program on remote server

I am solving pwn problems in CTF challenges. my exploits are working in the local system but it doesn't work on the remote server when connecting using Netcat. The issue was that even the function ...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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segmentation fault at strcpy while perforforming a buffer overflow

I have this code that I need to use to perform a ret2libc #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[256]; printf("buff is at:%p\n",buf); ...
Luigi 's user avatar
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Does flooding with bytes cause buffer overflow? [closed]

If I flood a C program with bytes can I cause buffer overflow, or is there other stuff I have to take into account?
Sensei's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the names of software vulnerabilities? [closed]

In web apps there are vulnerabilities like SQLi or XSS and many more. I heard that for hackers to hack a computer they have to find a vulnerability in a software that is running on an open port. ...
Sensei's user avatar
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Unable to exploit SQL injection in the parameter

During my testing I have found a vulnerable parameter in an API (/api/v1/documents/?direction=desc&limit=30&mode=reports**&page=1**) and its parameter is page=1 at the end. Upon giving the ...
Mike Vonar's user avatar
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How to use "jmp" in ROP

I'm trying to put together a ROP chain. I'm looking for a gadget to do the following: mov rdi, rdx ; mov rbp, rsp ; ret; But instead, I have a gadget like this : mov rdi, rdx ; mov rbp, rsp ; ...
perplex's user avatar
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How many actions do you need to take to disable DEP

I am attempting to disable DEP on a program that will be used in a demonstration of how a basic buffer overflow works. The application is a C++ app written in visual studio and I am running into ...
John164's user avatar
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How do programmers write the initial exploits from the vulnerability details in a CVE? [closed]

I've noticed that lots of CVE at do not have publicly available exploits. But they have high scores (ex: score higher than 9). With such a high score, I'd thought exploits would be ...
botanga's user avatar
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Cannot build a ROP chain

My ROP exploit crashes with segmentation fault for unknown reason. This is a vulnerable code (compiled via command gcc h2.c -no-pie -fno-stack-protector -m32 -o h2): #include <stdio.h> #include &...
Asm .'s user avatar
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Kernel exploit fails after executing first command

While trying to solve old ctf task ( I've encountered a situation which I don't understand. TLTR After escalating process privileges my exploit ...
Rob D's user avatar
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64bit buffer overflow fails with SIGILL, cannot understand the reason

I have been doing 32bit buffer overflows for some time and I decided to try some 64bit overflows, to explore some more realistic scenarios. I have compiled my code with gcc -fno-stack-protector -z ...
George Sp's user avatar
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heap-one (x64) CTF exploit exercise: cannot overwrite GOT entry using arbitrary write (qword) primitive?

I'm currently working on the following CTF exercise (x64 version), where the objective is to overwrite a pointer stored on the heap to control the write address of strcpy():
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Leak multiple lines from file

I am researching this bug here, where the first line of an arbitrary file can be leaked by triggering a SyntaxError using the compile() function. Is there a method of leaking the rest of the file, ...
isopach's user avatar
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Why can't you jump from SEH straight to payload for SEH buffer overflow?

From my understanding a typical way to achieve SEP buffer overflow (ignoring protections like DEP, SafeSEH, etc.) is to overwrite SEH with POP POP RET which goes back to nSEH which we control. nSEH ...
Anderson's user avatar
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buffer overflow in MIPS - jump to address 0x0040xxxx

I'm trying to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability in MIPS architecture. ASLR is enable, but the binary compiled without PIE (hence loaded always to 0x00400000). However, the vulnerable code uses ...
takadito15's user avatar
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How to get gain the knowledge to be a beginner penetration tester on my own? [closed]

I want to apply for a job as a penetration tester in a good company. I have a fairly good knowledge of programming and have experience as a back-end developer. I started to work with Burpsuite, ZAP, ...
chameleon123's user avatar
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Remote Buffer Overflow w/out Memory Leak

I'm working on an exploit development challenge right now in which I've been presented with a compiled binary and I have to exploit it on a remote server. No stack protections have been enabled and ...
leaustinwile's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it necessary to understand Linux kernel internals to do binary exploitation? [closed]

I am second-year CS student, I know C, OOP concepts, x86 architecture, reverse engineering basics, TCP/IP stack and OS concepts, also I love Linux OS. I have just one question: Is it a mandatory to ...
Asm .'s user avatar
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What is the purpose of using hex escape sequences when writing buffer overflow exploits?

I was trying to overwrite fp function pointer to 0x8048424(win() location) so that function win() will be called to solve this problem(machine is little endian) #include <stdlib.h> #include <...
daya's user avatar
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How to exploit buffer overflow without space after return address?

I'm working on a binary exploitation challenge where the target (ELF/x86_64) has stack canaries, NX and PIE enabled. It implements a simple forking TCP server. After a connection is established, it ...
hackedd's user avatar
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What does this opcode in my exploit code mean?

I'm trying to develop an already existing exploit for Windows XP. All DLL's are protected by ASRL, so I used an address in ultraiso.exe, but all addresses start with NULL-bytes. So far, I followed ...
evilcode1's user avatar
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How to exploit publicy known vunerable version of jquery?

I am trying to see how a publicly known "vulnerable version of the library jquery" can be exploited to make proof of concepts to website owners. Let's say we have jquery version 2.1.1 that ...
Tomi Begher's user avatar