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2 answers

Why use tools such as BurpSuite, nmap or SQLmap?

I mean why are tools needed for pen-testing? I've hacked websites using plain XSS and SQL injections. I didn't require any tools such as the ones I listed above. Now that I want to progress further ...
Asker999's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

SQL Injection - Extracting database data from the page content

I have a question I am hoping someone could help with.. I am in the process of writing an SQL Injection tool from scratch (I am aware there are already excellent tools out there such as SQL Map, but ...
yonetpkbji's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any tools for automated penetration testing of Silverlight applications? [closed]

I'd like to find a tool to assist with automated penetration testing of Silverlight applications, in a similar vein to AppScan for webapps. Specifically, I'm looking for a tool that can cope with ...
Matthew Murdoch's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Are there any decent web app security scanners that can integrate with a build server?

I've spent a lot of time in TeamCity recently and the nightly code quality metrics coming from the dupe finder, FxCop and NDepend have been great. What I'd really like to do is find a decent web app ...
Troy Hunt's user avatar
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16 answers

What tools are available to assess the security of a web application?

What tools are available to assess the security of a web application? Please provide a small description of what the tool does. Update: More specifically, I'm looking for tools that assume no ...
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar