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3 votes
3 answers

How to get rid of an Ad bot?

The issue started due to setting up a proxy server on a PC connected to my network. I then realized that all of my devices that connected to the network, including PCs and phones, are all infected by ...
-1 votes
1 answer

System Process PID 4 Attempt to connect to many risky IPs using local port 137 [closed]

I noticed in our APT solution that many endpoints in my company initiate connection attempts: Process initiate: system process PID 4 Remote risky IP remote port: random remote ports ...
1 vote
1 answer

Computer worms, propagation and exploiting vulnerabilities

I am doing research on computer worms. I have been through several sites and a few caught my attention. I have learned that worms propagate through email, there are types such as XSS worm and most of ...
0 votes
1 answer

How a computer can infect others devices on the same network?

As I said in this post, my father is very careless about online security. Besides what I already said on that post, yesterday I saw in his android that the permission to install of third-party apps ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to prevent an infected PC from infecting other machines on the same network? [duplicate]

My father is pretty careless about his security and this is not new. He even said to me that in the last year he used Tor to access some links just for curiosity because he read about it in some news ...
9 votes
2 answers

Why is my Windows desktop using a DNS Server on localhost?

I recently inherited a corporate network and one of the devices kept having errors connecting to mapped network drives with errors pertaining to the server time being different than the computer's ...
0 votes
1 answer

Double user-agent. Malware?

The place where I work sometime is receiving some alert from the NIPS stating : [1:30918:2] "MALWARE-CNC User-Agent known malicious user agent - User-Agent User-Agent Mozilla" The user-agent in the ...
27 votes
4 answers

Are popular porn sites more likely to be infected with malware?

I'm trying to help my friend understand this because he believes that since a site is very popular, that it's less likely to infect its viewers because of its security! Is a popular site less likely ...
4 votes
3 answers

Malware infection through phone call [duplicate]

Is it possible for someone to infect your phone/computer network with malware through a phone call if the phone is connected to said network as well?
2 votes
3 answers

Is it safer to download a file from the internet and open it versus opening a DVD?

Recently I was in the hospital and I brought the results of all test that were done by doctors with me on a DVD to avoid printing 100 pages. I wanted the doctor in the hospital to see it, but she ...
2 votes
0 answers

Linux machine continuously transferring data over the network to random servers in china and across the globe [duplicate]

I have been using Linux for about 5 years now but I am not very skilled with the commands to monitor and figure out internal issues. I recently was having trouble with the Internet. My roommates were ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Stuxnet - The background functions [closed]

Stuxnet was a clever worm that aimed to malfunction programmable logic controllers on nuclear networks (Iran was the most affected). Nuclear networks were private networks, not supported on Internet ...
2 votes
3 answers

Malware stole an executable file on my computer? Seems unlikely

If you don't want to read all of the details, skip to the bottom; I'll make a summary. I created a computer program as a proof of concept (I threw it together in 12 hours, so I wrote it in Visual ...
4 votes
0 answers

Removing malware which is creating temp file and modifying network traffic [duplicate]

I am on OSX 10.9.2, please note I have included several URLs in my post, this is not spam this is due to the nature of the malware. I have just discovered I have malware on my computer after noticing ...
6 votes
2 answers

How serious is a local virus in terms of network security

My colleague got a notification on his machine of a possible virus (through the virus scanner that is installed by default on all machines). He called up the tech department, and they simply told him ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do worms spread over LAN? [duplicate]

I've been researching LAN recently, and I came across a post talking about viruses spreading over LAN, and I was wondering, how is this possible? Would it not be a huge security issue to allow files ...
2 votes
2 answers

Using a virtual machine as a buffer between USB media and OS

I was directed here from the Unix & Linux site. I've gone through some of the related questions, but they seem to be more concerned about whether a guest OS can access the host OS in someway. ...