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Questions tagged [virus-removal]

The process of removing a virus or malware from a system.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does malware use Oracle RDBMS Kernel Executable (oracle.exe) to steal data?

I'm worried that my computer may have been infected by a virus. My Windows Virus Scan says that nothing came up, and a Chrome malware scan also turned up nothing. However, a process called Oracle ...
Some Guy's user avatar
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Is Chrome Browser/ Computer compromised by KMSPico?

I recently installed a new windows key for my friend. He was using a hack program previously, known as Auto KMS. So after new keys installation, I used Windows defender to remove AutoKMS program. The ...
waterbyte's user avatar
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What is this NAT rule forwarding UDP port 1052?

I just went to have a look through some router settings today and found an unknown new entry in the NAT table, forwarding UDP port 1052 to the same port on a host which runs both Windows 7 and Linux. ...
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