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Blank decrypted Windows 10 passwords [duplicate]

I'm getting hashes from Windows 10 SAM using samdump2, then pass this to John the Ripper, with the --format=NT and --show arguments, and get: username::1001:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:...
GREAT DNG's user avatar
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pwdump8-8.2 correct hash for Microsoft Account Win10

I am having a real issue cracking one NT hash i've pulled from my system for a Microsoft Account. I used - PwDump8.2 I have an admin account unlocked on the system and can access most files. I know ...
Patho's user avatar
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Can we implement custom algorithms to encode and decode wifi password hashes between Windows 10 and our Router?

Windows 10 has its own way of encrypting hashes, but these can be brute-forced by hashcat. One of our students created 2 of his own password encryption algorithms in python (One for encode, one for ...
Nikhil Bansal's user avatar
3 votes
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Extracted LM Hashes doesnt match actual password

I'm new to LM Hashing and Windows authentication, and I'm having problems with LM hashes. I've created 2 accounts with the password "123", and both of them have different hashes, and none of the ...
Thiago Souza's user avatar
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AES Keys Storage for encrypting hashes of SAM file in Windows 10

Hashes of user account passwords in Windows 10 (like in older versions) are stored in SAM file. Using standard utility pwdump 7 for getting these hashes gives following result: ::LM hash : NTLM hash ...
Setplus's user avatar
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How Windows 8 and Windows 10 hash account password?

I need some accurate information about how Windows 8 and Windows 10 perform hashing user account passwords. I know that they are stored in SAM file and NTLMv2 algorithm is used. But while using ...
Setplus's user avatar
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Both Ophcrack and ONTP&RE incorrectly show Windows 10 passwords as blank

I'm trying to crack a Windows 10 laptop that I myself set a password on a day or so ago. So far I've tried booting into Ophcrack 3.6 and ONTP&RE (Offline NT Password & Registry Editor) from ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How do I examine a fresh Windows 10 installation

I suspect an unauthorized modification has been applied to a fresh new installation of Win 10 x64 and/or a PC running it by a person who knows me personally with the purpose of tracking my activity ...
Kat's user avatar
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