Is OWASP ESAPI still the recommended way to secure JSP pages
The OWASP ESAPI is no longer considered a flagship or even an active project. Kevin Wall, the project owner for the Java implementation, himself back in 2014 conceded that the project is dying and ...
How can API documentation helpful to exploit any application?
If you have an internal administration portal that only the Human Resources department has access to, and that portal is a web application that talks to its API, then the people working in HR would be ...
How can API documentation helpful to exploit any application?
This question is quite vague.
A service's API documentation is for end-users to utilize its service, it has information such as how to retrieve data, send data, store data, access data, manipulate ...
Is OWASP ESAPI still the recommended way to secure JSP pages
Another blurb from Kevin Wall on Should I use ESAPI?
If you are starting out on a new project or trying for the first time to secure an existing project, then before you consider ESAPI, you should ...
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