Do network packets capture what gets encrypted in my device before it gets sent to the host? For instance. In instagram when you log in from a mobile device. You submit a post request. In that post request they have username, password and a parameter called "signed_body" it's value is hashed(encrypted) so each user has a unique signed_body value.
So far I'm sniffing packets from my iOS device. I get packets using wireshark. I have bunch of packets. So I was wondering do these packets have the decrypted signed_body value. GOAL = (If they did, I'd get that value and hash it myself and make calls to instagram server in a accepted format).
Just so people get what signed_body looks like. I'm sniffing HTTP protocols using MiTM Proxy. Instagram hashes these signed_body to every user and almost every requests so it's unique everytime. So I was assuming that wireshark gives me all the packets in which one them might be the decrypted key
and that will give us a better idea of what data is being sent.