I want to use the Responder tool during a pentest to find/show vulnerabilities in how the network is configured. But I am not sure how much effect it would have on the end-users aka the people I have to work with the rest of the year. I do not have the resources to set up a large scale test lab so I hoped people on this forum have some experience with this.
The tool: Responder
The attacks I want to try:
WPAD poisoning: responder -I eth0 -wft
WPAD poisoning with forced authentication.: responder -I eth0 -wFf
NBTNS poisoning: responder -I eth0 -rf
It can be that my definitions are a bit off but to be sure I'll explain what I want to get:
WPAD: IE tries to find the system proxy and so I send the victim my machine as proxy and let them reauthenticate. This can go automatically or with a popup in IE for the user to re-enter their credentials (that is the with forced authentication option). This should maximum give the victims a popup box for credentials.
NBTNS: Machines try to connect to fileshares on the network and I put myself in the middle. This should only sniff the hashes of the victims credentials.
My question is: What would the end users experience when running the commands that I described. Assuming that the network is not configured very securely.