I have a microcontroller, connected to my WLAN, that hosts a tiny web server. I can reach the http server via 2 ways :
- either via a domain (admin.example.com) which acts as a reverse proxy to the ip of the microcontroller.
- or via the software enabled access point ( spawned by the microcontroller.
If I reach the server via its domain, i print a login form to the user.
If I reach the server via its local ip in my local network, I want to skip this authentication process (if the user managed to connect to the SoftAP, or is part of the local wlan, I assume he's trusted). Thus I intend to rely on the http "Host" header, like so : If "Host" equals "" then consider we are authenticated and skip the username/password form.
Is this a safe approach? Can I trust the "Host" header in this context and with such a use case, or can some evil-doer get around this and gain access?
hits a dedicated server at a 3rd party datacenter, which proxies the request to your home wlan router, which routes the request to the µc. The AP is for my fallback procedure in case there is an outage (internet down, router down, server down, etc)