Lately I've been experiencing some crashes related to my internet connection, I'm on the process of pin-pointing what is causing the issue and one of those possible causes might be a DDoS attack, mostly because of the symptoms resemble what a DDoS attack does.
However, something that I don't quite understand is in how a DDoS attack affect the internet connection where the server is running.
For example, let's say a DDoS attack is doing constant POST requests to a website and the web server can't handle all those requests, thus it slows down and/or crashes.
However, does that attack also affect the internet connection of rest of devices connected to that network? ie: computers that are using the same internet connection as the server that do not recieve these post request, thus they do not slow down or crash.
Can a DDoS attack affect the internet connection of other devices and prevent them from browsing the internet? Can a DDoS attack consume all the bandwith of a network that makes the rest of the devices not being able to use the internet?