I'd like to measure queuing time, similar to what they're doing in Finland. Instead of detecting bluetooth (which is disabled in most phones) I thought of detecting EDGE/3G.
I'd like to log the following information:
- Phone 1 entered the zone at 14:00 and left at 14:30
- Phone 2 entered the zone at 19:05 and left at 19:30
- How do I uniquely identify EDGE/3G/etc phones that enter a zone?
- Is there a better/easier way to uniquely identify phones entering/exiting a physical location in a manner that allows them to remain anonymous?
By "uniquely identify" I mean I want to be able to differentiate between the same phone entering the zone multiple times versus different phones entering.
By "anonymously" I mean I don't want to record any information that would allow anyone to track down the phone's owner.