I was reading this article about a certain in flight WiFi provider issuing fake SSL certificates for Google. This doesn't really surprise me all that much since I'm well aware of the concept of proxies re-terminating SSL connections. In the end of the article the author says that you could use Tor or a VPN to bypass the security issue. My question is: would technologies like Tor or VPN really be of any use here? It seems to me that unless the session were already established before connecting to the untrusted access point, they could MitM these services just as easily as any other since they will always be the first hop. Am I missing something critical here?
EDIT: Its becoming clear to me that I wasn't quite clear enough in the original question. I know most browsers will throw errors and that these errors can be ignored. My intended question was, will things like Tor or VPN be able to defeat this type of MitM on a technical level?