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What tools/checklists can help determine the presence of malicious code in a database? MS SQL specifically

Consider a scenario, where your AV / EDR software has to exclude paths of database files as suggested by vendors to avoid affecting performance or stability issues. You want to review your database ...
Bob's user avatar
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SQL injection and XSS prevention

I would kindly ask you to review the following code and tell me if it's enough to prevent most of SQL injection and XSS attacks. SQL injection: treated via PDO prepared statements; XSS: All user's ...
DjShoucrout's user avatar
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What tools on unix can scan sql dumps for malware? [closed]

I'm attempting to check for malware, spam and any kind of injection/exploitation on a sql dump that has been provided and was wondering what kind of tools are there already in place to help with this? ...
Dwight Spencer's user avatar
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VB.NET stored procedure implementation?

While reviewing code for a application I have come across the following implementation of stored procedures using ExecuteDataSet Result = DBInstance.ExecuteDataSet(Name, paramArrayList....
Shurmajee's user avatar
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