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Questions tagged [letsencrypt]

An initiative from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Mozilla, Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan that aims to automatically provide every domain owner with a recognized certificate that can be used for TLS.

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Public key stored in server is different from what is shown in OpenSSL

I obtained an SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt for my web application using Apache web server. LetsEncrypt generated these 4 files: cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem privkey.pem As I understand, ...
simplfuzz's user avatar
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ECDSA certificates not impacted by Let’s Encrypt certificate chain change?

We received an email from Cloudflare about the upcoming Let’s Encrypt certificate chain change. At some point, it states that "Additionally, this change only impacts RSA certificates. It does not ...
Vic Seedoubleyew's user avatar
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Comparing ACME client logs against Certificate Transparency logs

Inspired by this comment from Can DDNS provider perform a MITM attack?, I was wondering if there is an automated way to check the Certificate Transparency logs for malicious/unexpected certificates. ...
oliver's user avatar
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Lets Encrypt + Cert Bot: Setting up known Certificate Authority

I have a setup in docker where I have LetsEncrypt ACME Boulder + CertBot + DNSMASQ as a DNS Server. Additionally I have a client and a service where the service is served over https only. I had ...
Th3Nic3Guy's user avatar
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Certbot installation from epel-release mirror

I'm setting up a website on a Centos7 VPS with certbot and let's encrypt. I am no expert on network security. I checked to see if my epel-release was pulling certbot from a legit mirror. I ran yum ...
myke's user avatar
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Domain Joined computer doesn't browser properly with any website with Let's Encrypt CA cert

Navigating to any website with Let's Encrypt CA cert and even after enabling the HTTPS Everywhere addon, I'm getting "Your connection is not private". Getting this error from all the browser except ...
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar