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Questions tagged [thunderbolt]

Thunderbolt combines PCI Express (PCIe) and Mini DisplayPort (mDP)

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0 votes
1 answer

Are Thunderbolt-enabled computers without Thunderbolt ports vulnerable to Thunderspy?

Could these two attack scenarios exploit the recently publicized vulnerability? Using a Thunderbolt adapter like an USB-to-Thunderbolt adapter on a computer without any Thunderbolt port Temporarily ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Would using a firmware password protect a MacBook Pro from Thunderstrike?

And of course, any other possible attack that involves convincing the target to plug in a modified thunderbolt device into their MacBook I know that Thunderstrike works on MacBooks with firmware ...
genealogyxie's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is malware or screen capture possible with iMac as external display?

If using a foreign iMac as an external display (through the Thunderbolt to Thunderbolt, or Mini DisplayPort to Mini DisplayPort cable, and Command+F2 on the iMac, as per iMac Target Display Mode FAQ), ...
cnst's user avatar
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