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Questions tagged [windows-xp]

Windows XP is a personal computer operating system produced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems.

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Meterpreter RPC error

How to solve this error? meterpreter > run persistence -S -i 7 -p 4444 -r [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try exploit/windows/local/persistence. [!] Example: run exploit/...
user255470's user avatar
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Is there a security threat to a Windows XP computer only being used as an analogue fax server?

The XP computer is not directly connected to the internet. However, it is on the LAN where it holds analogue faxes for manual processing by staff. The other computers on the LAN are all Windows 10 ...
Rob Benson's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Safely use old windows XP machine in business network

I have a client that has a couple of machines that are build to cut kitchen tables. These machines still run on Windows XP and are connected to the internet. Now I need to find a way that these ...
Zozala's user avatar
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How secure is connecting to the Internet via Windows XP (or even older) nowadays only for e-mail?

While trying (and failing) to convice a certain older person who wanted me to "fix" their ~20 years old PC that they should not be connecting to the Internet with whatever version of Windows they have ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Does running Windows XP pose a security threat to the whole internal network?

I have a laptop that is not capable of running any versions of Windows above XP reliably, but that I want to connect to use to browse web using the last version of Firefox available for Windows XP. I ...
Jzuken's user avatar
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How is the crytography system used in Windows XP and does it need to be enabled?

The root certificates on my Windows XP machine have expired. As far as I understand it, Windows XP only uses crytography for doing "intranet" data transfers, which in my case is irrelevant because I ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How can malware immediately infect a Windows XP computer as soon as it goes online without any user action?

This is a thing I used to hear back in the olden days of Windows XP... People were telling me that a computer running on an out-of-date Windows XP system with no antivirus software was getting ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Threat of a Windows XP machine connected to a local network via WIFI (today in 2018)

After seeing this question I am wondering what could actually happen if a Windows XP machine was connected to a local network via WIFI. Imagine the machine will be used to browse the internet, read ...
reed's user avatar
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Dangers of searching "safe" websites using Windows XP?

I have software that only works with Windows XP. I have a computer that runs Windows XP. It has a firewall and up-to-date antivirus software. Though I have several other computers running Windows 7,...
Sun Storm's user avatar
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Bypass DEP using NtSetInformationProcess on last Windows XP SP3 Pro update

Following the example of corelan team ROP version 2 (I was able to perform version 1):
Lucian Nitescu's user avatar
8 votes
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Mitigate MS17-010 on Windows XP? (wannacry ransomware)

On my network I have to run two XP VM, because of legacy programs. How can I mitigate MS17-010 on Windows XP? The machines are not directly exposed to internet, but they must be connected to the LAN. ...
Magnetic_dud's user avatar
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How can I tell if Windows is running SMB?

Due the vulnerability in Windows SMB Server (MS17-010), how can I tell if it is running? I am using Windows XP. None of the services I have running has the word "SMB" in the title or description. ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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PSExec not working against windows XP (metasploit)

I am following the book Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking from Georgia Weidman. In Ch 13, page 296 the psexec from metasploit is used against a Windows XP Profession SP3 (32-bit),...
user142876's user avatar
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Windows XP SP3 vulnerable iso to ms_08_067 [closed]

I am following Georgia Weidman book - Penetration Testing A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking. In her book, a Windows XP SP3 iso vulnerable to ms_08_067 is needed. I have an XP VM, but looks like this ...
user142876's user avatar
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WireShark tried to load a suspicious system.dll

When starting Wireshark (v1.12.2, using runas /user:administrator) on an old Windows XP SP3 system, Privacyware Privatefirewall alerted me that Wireshark was trying to load c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~...
Jonathan J. Bloggs's user avatar
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Browser Autopwn2 Unable to Exploit "Victim" on Separate Network

Am using VMWare Workstation 10 Player. Kali Linux OS is Nat Windows XP is bridge That means both are on separate networks. I am trying to make Kali Exploit the XP box. Remote Windows is ...
Rhonda's user avatar
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Can't remove suspicious bridge connection

I'm currently fixing the computer of a family member who just fell for the "I'm from Microsoft and let me take control of your computer please" phone scam. The computer is an old Core 2 Duo running on ...
Samuel Bolduc's user avatar
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Let me first say, I know XP is bad and dead. That said, I was wandering if a software written using .NET could make TLS 1.0 connections that use the TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA when running on ...
epeleg's user avatar
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If most ATMs are Windows XP, and Windows XP is no longer updated...? do banks keep their ATMs safe? Have a handful of companies sprouted after XP's end of cycle offering patches?
Pierre B's user avatar
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PenTesting - Configuring vulnerabilities on XP SP 1/2/3 & Server 2008

I've been creating test ranges using VMWare and an isolated network to play around with, and configuring endpoint workstations to be the receiving end of penetration tests. I've found that the "easy" ...
404Cat's user avatar
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ms08_067_netapi not performing as expected on Windows XP SP1/SP3

I tried the exploit with meterpreter reverse tcp on both SP1/SP3 machines and both returned a statement of exploit completed but no session was created. Both machines have firewall off. I want to have ...
silentcallz's user avatar
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Address of DLL changes in Win XP SP3: CoreLan Exploit writing Tutorial part 1

I was following the CoreLan Exploit writing Tutorial Part 1. OS used: Windows XP SP3 I tried to use “C:\Program Files\Easy RM to MP3 Converter\MSRMCcodec02.dll” for the instruction “jmp esp” [ff e4] ...
NiKS001's user avatar
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How vulnerable is Windows XP Embedded SP2 as of today?

A few weeks ago, I have been replacing and managing IT inventory. What caught my attention, was that a lot of thin clients are still running Windows XP Embedded SP2. That made me think about the ...
SP-Brown's user avatar
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A sneaky way of disabling Microsoft Security Essentials?

For a long time I've been dismissing and ignoring this popup, which is easy since it only appears at boot (or logon) which is once every few months: But recently I became suspicious after a crash (...
Hugh Allen's user avatar
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Determine in which process a virus is hiding [closed]

My computer got one of those Recycle bin viruses, e621ca05.exe. It's an old installation of Windows XP and I can't even enter safe mode because it was in a shaky state already. So I can't follow the ...
user3748908's user avatar
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Can serving HTTPS to Internet Explorer on Windows XP be made secure?

Answers to Why is HTTPS not the default protocol? state that a lot of sites still use clear HTTP instead of HTTPS because all of these are true: A substantial number of visitors to the site use ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
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Getting a DEP exception when trying to call SetProcessDEPException(false)

I'm demonstrating an exploit for an old app. On Windows XP SP3 32bit (EN), the address of SetProcessDEPPolicy() is usually 0x7C8622A4. I have that version of Windows (in English as well) and I've ...
Juicy's user avatar
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MS03-026 RPC DCOM Exploit not working on metasploit [closed]

I'm trying to exploit Windowx XP SP2 through MS03-026 Microsoft RPC DCOM Interface Overflow vulnerability on msfconsole. When execute "exploit" but it is not working. What could be reason? The one ...
Lokeshm27's user avatar
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Why an infected VM does not affect the host machine? [duplicate]

I installed a Windows XP virtual machine on VirtualBox. The host machine is also a Windows XP. I run 5 viruses on the guest machine, however this does not seem to infect my host machine. Could someone ...
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