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George Y.'s user avatar
George Y.
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
235 votes

How are anti viruses so fast?

100 votes

Why is so much ransomware breakable?

12 votes

Is personal information secure if two VPNs are used?

7 votes

Does an open port with no service listening on it pose a risk?

6 votes

Is proxy useless when connected to VPN?

6 votes

Does blocking ads and deleting cookies improve privacy online?

5 votes

Chicken-and-egg-problem: What's the intended secure way of installing anti-virus software with online installers?

5 votes

Tor Exit Node Security & https website

4 votes

How do traffic correlation attacks against Tor users work?

4 votes

What is the risk if I don't have a passphrase associated with CA private key?

4 votes

In Tor, why are the middle and exit relays changed periodically but not the guard relay?

3 votes

Phishing domain converting text due to special character?

3 votes

Hashing two passwords can produce the same hash. How to prevent this?

3 votes

What are the security risks of resetting your password every time you login?

3 votes

Protection from Sim Card Cloning

3 votes

HTTP reverse shell through corporate proxy

3 votes

Debugging SUID for privilege escalation

3 votes

Does hosting an http->https redirect let http basic auth leak?

3 votes

At which point does an exploit against TAILS happen?

3 votes

Why can I reach my router inside a VPN?

2 votes

What is the physical security (Evil Maid) threat model of a modern hardened laptop?

2 votes

Are the malware signatures used by AVs primarily created by human analysts or by automated means?

2 votes

Is it correct to say that AVs use the same signature-based detection methods in emulation as they do on static binaries?

2 votes

Tor website as proxy like receiving server

2 votes

How do you keep someone from changing hidden values in an HTML form?

2 votes

How to externally backup a fully encrypted disk partition

2 votes

Websites that fill back button history with questionable pages

2 votes

Restoring the stack frame after payload is executed

2 votes

What's the point of buying a Blackberry that runs the Android OS?

2 votes

Adobe Flash Inside Whonix Workstation