Simple question for y'all as i'm having some trouble identifying the hash type of this from a http digest file that I have setup for rutorrent on a apache2 server.
Here's an example of what it looks like:
The first two are in plain text while the password is entirely hashed...and not knowing what kind of hashing was used on this, I did some research but haven't found any concrete answers as to what this is. Seeing it's in the form of a HA1 (Part of the process of Auth Digest), that's my only clue as to what it is...but i'm unaware of what kind of hash the password is.
I used john-the-ripper to determine and see what kind of hash-type it is but that didn't work out.
This hash was generated by rutorrent (I believe) and is placed in the file named "htpasswd" from "/etc/apache2". Maybe some of y'all might know what it may be? Please do help me if you can...I'm stuck on figuring out what this could be heh.
Both username and realm are in plain-text, but for some reason the password is hashed in some MD5 encryption and I believe it's created by rutorrent. If you want, I can send you an actual sample privately (for security reasons) of what it looks like. Anyways thanks for helping, if anyone knows what this could be...please reply!