I got 2 emails within 12 hours containing the following:
Confirm your email address Hello [Name] [Name],
Confirm your email address now to let us know it really belongs to you.
Once that's done, you're ready to receive money.
If you are unable to click the button below to confirm your email, please follow this link https://www.paypal.com/us/ece/?cn=17526xx55
[button]Confirm your email[/button]Thanks,
I added the pseudo-markup for the button and the placeholders for the names. Both mails are addressed to different names and both names are very american-sounding.
I use an email address which is publicly available. As I maintain contact with a very low-skilled user base I cannot "encrypt" my address with "[at]" instead of @ or "dot" instead of ".". I receive a lot of spam on a daily basis but the very most of that gets filtered by gmail's spam filter. However, the mails I received from PayPal look very legit so I suppose someone wants to make money by linking his account to a wrong person. Does it work like that?
I wouldn't mind if it was a single mail because it might be someone who still had my email in his clipboard, but experiencing this 2 times within a day seems very strange to me.
I would be glad if anyone knew more about this.
PS: sorry if that's the wrong board for that but I wasn't sure where else to ask.
UPDATE: I now got the third mail, 14 minutes after I asked the question. Again, an exceptionally stereotypical name. As I am pretty sure I don't harm any real person here, here the names:
- Kelsey Boldin
- Byron Maddux
- Priscilla Wakeford
Should I post any RAW data of the mails? The links are actually pointing to https://paypal.com/... I think I am either getting trolled or scammed here