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Questions tagged [email-attachments]

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21 votes
3 answers

How can I tell if a PDF file I was sent contains malware?

I was emailed a PDF file by a family member. I have reason to suspect that it was given to said family member by someone who would like nothing more than to infect me with a Remote Access Trojan. How ...
user158844's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

When I attach a sensitive pdf encrypted by Adobe with a password, and send it through Gmail with password included, does it make any difference?

Nowadays, many people would attach a sensitive pdf encrypted by Adobe with a password and send it through Gmail with password included (in the same email or different one). However, I wonder if this ...
taylor's user avatar
  • 211
10 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to get infected by opening an email in Android Gmail app?

I just received an email from an unknown person, titled "da vinci" and containing a docx file with the same name. Not suspicious at all, right? I have not opened or downloaded the file, but: The ...
AJPerez's user avatar
  • 203
6 votes
3 answers

Which is a safe way to transfer a copy of a sensitive document?

A reputable and clearly identified institution asked me, for legitimate reasons, to e-mail a scan of the passport. However, I regard the passport as a sensitive document and am pretty reluctant to use ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Phishing emails - What do I look for?

I want to be able to spot a phishing email. What are the things to check when investigating and doing forensics on one? There are some things I know to look for already but I want to get moer ...
Warren White's user avatar