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When is memory allocation/layout deterministic?

I'm trying to learn about buffer overflow attacks, both on the stack and on the heap. However, I'm confused about when it's possible to determine the address of the buffer. The classic "Smashing the ...
lily's user avatar
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Is it possible to execute code in this program using heap overflow?

Program code (with Pseudo code part): #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { int controlled1=10; int controlled2=20; int controlled3=300; //test.bin ...
dev's user avatar
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CVE-2015-3864 - Android Stagefright - how Integer Overflow happens here?

I am trying to understand how "Integer Overflow" happens here and how it works. The vulnerability exists in the chunk of “tx3g”. Chunk_size is the unit which overflows the sum of size. That's to say, ...
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How does glibc prevent malloc unlink exploits?

The classic malloc overflow, of overwriting pointers in a free chunk, to cause free() unlink to overwrite an arbitrary location with an arbitrary value, is no longer possible with modern glibc (...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Does aslr definitely end the possibility of code execution in the case of filesystems heap overflows?

Local only Filesystems (like ntfs or btrfs) consists of many data structures that require very complex code for parsing them. So, such filesystems if implemented in user space can suffer of buffer ...
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