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Questions tagged [rogue-ap]

A rogue AP is an unauthorized wireless access point placed on a network to allow access to the network it is attached to.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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WPA2 Enterprise: no risks for preconfigured clients when it comes to Rogue APs?

We are using, as default, PEAP and MS-CHAPv2 as inner authentication. I was concerned with security risks when it comes to rogue APs but a colleague told me that there are no risks for preconfigured ...
Elegancia's user avatar
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Can not create an "evil twin access point" with the same SSID as the original

I am practising pen-testing for a while now and I have a kali Linux 2017.2 physical machine. I tried to create an evil twin access point using tools like fluxion, wifiphisher and wifi-pumpkin. Note ...
Penguin's user avatar
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Man in the middle after evil twin

I've set up an Evil twin access point using the aircrack suite, what i'm missing is how to complete the man in the middle access point side like the picture shown below, I've been suggested ettercap ...
user229412's user avatar