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Questions tagged [watermark]

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Invisible, Non-invertable, public, robust, replicated watermarking scheme?

Is there a watermarking scheme for images and audio that is: Invisible - should be imperceptible for a human. Non-invertable - cannot be removed by any means without the original. Robust - in order ...
user47376's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove meta and sensitive data from PDF file?

I've some PDF files generated from different sources (such as web-browser, Photoshop, etc.) on Unix. How do I make sure PDF doesn't contain any sensitive information such as IP address, OS, user name,...
cicada's user avatar
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How to remove yellow tracking dots from a document?

Assume I have a document which I supspect to have yellow tracking dots. How can I remove them while keeping the actual information on the document? Is making a b&w copy enough? Is the copy machine ...
aggsol's user avatar
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Printer Steganography/Watermarking

I am referring to the yellow dots which are printed automatically by laser printers. They encode information such as the time the document is printed as well as the serial number. There appears to be ...
limbenjamin's user avatar
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Can I add 'user-identifying noise' to MP3 files to determine which user shared my file, if I find it later on the internet?

Problem I'm streaming MP3 files to users. Users are not allowed to share these files. I know that it's in the end impossible to not let anyone download the files. That's not the problem, people can ...
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